When we booked this shoot I couldn’t have even imagined how gorgeous this was going to turn out. The perfect golden light hitting the back of this sweet families heads and creating the most magical glow for these new brothers to be! These precious twins came into the world as life-long partners and oh MAN is their world about to be rocked with their new little sister coming into their lives. I cannot wait to see how they react to their baby sis. Having one older brother is cool but having TWO to protect and bug you is even better!
And am I photographing a pregnant model?! I mean look at this GORGEOUS lady! What a dream this session was. I love capturing the love between two people. And when that includes the two beautiful children they made and one on the way, it’s even more precious than words can explain. Thank you, sweet family for allowing me to come into such a special time in your family’s life and capture these timeless moments. Enjoy as you scroll through!
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Copyright 2019-2024 Hanna taylor photography, llc
I am a wedding and portrait photographer in the Tulsa, Oklahoma and surrounding areas. I love providing a unique and specialized experience for each individual couple and family that comes my way.
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